Friday, May 31, 2019

We're OPEN! ...again...

SO, I took a couple years off. A lot has changed in both RL and SL, and's been mostly for the good.'s see where we can go with this blog now. Forgive the lackluster's a quicky until I get things organized. 

Body: Maitreya Lara V4.1 

Head: Lelutka Simone V3.3 (very edited shape, by me). 

Hair: Truth - Ice, with bangs (from the Kingdoms gacha, past event)

Eyes: Avi Glam - Joy 

Top: Addams - Fiona Crop Top (past event item)

Necklace: Earthstones Ferris Necklace (past hunt item)

((normally a video would be here...but, I'm slacking today...meh))