Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 11 - Photo Challenge - High Key

Week 11 Photo Challenge
"High Key"

Hey all. This week is more of a technique than a challenge, since SL is a bit tricky when it comes to doing something like this (without editing to death). High key is a technique used in photography where the photographer basically uses as much light as possible to remove shadows. It's best done with faces, close up and without color (in my opinion) - so, that's what I did. The photo above is simply edited to remove shadows using a simple exposure edit. The photo below is done the same, with 90% color removed and a blurred black edge. Super simple, and very lovely. 

**Do'h, it's restart day, and SL wont let me in to get the credits info....will post asap**

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 10 Photo Challenge - Collage

Week 10 Photo Challenge

Welp. A collage really isn't my idea of a challenge, but it works for what I wanted to do - show off my pretty dress. Heh. I found a lovely sim to roam at as well!

You'll want to click it to enlarge!

Dress - ColdLogic - Swan in cayenne
Hair - Exile - "Give" (from Give & Take) in blondes
Make up- Glamorize First Impressions Eye Makeup in coral, and ^^Swallow^^ Lipstick Pudding 04 Coral Pink. 

(Location will be given in a later post). 

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Week 9 Photo Challenge - "Cliches"

Week 9 Photo Challenge 

Cliches are fun. They are, after all, cliches ...for a reason. I chose to go with a common movie cliche - 'the make over'. This refers to the girl (and in a few rare cases, the guy) being 'made over' from what is considered the ugly nerd type to the more popular prom queen type. This type of cliche are found in teen/young adult type movies .. Grease, She's All That, Mean Girls, Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and so on.  To be fair...It all started with My Fair Lady...darn your lovable cuteness Eliza!

So...here we have nerd girl and the made over ...whatever she is. To be honest, I was distracted chatting with people while I did this one.

Nerd Alana Credits:
MonCheri - "Bullying Stops Here" tank, freebie long ago.
Chandelle - Jacket, in black
Knockout - Torn jeans
[geek.] - Geeks Unite Pass

Prom Queen Alana Credits:
Junebug - Helena gown in ivory
Pink Hustler - '8066' hair

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