Saturday, April 11, 2015

A visit to MAD Designs...again!

Hi everyone!

My friend Marco from MAD Designs let me steal some of his items to play with. This is The Furniture Set Gothica, an entire set of goodies! His designs are a bit on the goth side, and I'm a bit on the girly it was fun to try to use them in 'my world'.  I will list each item used at the bottom in credits...

Click the pictures to see the full size version. Do it. Dooooo it!

House -Trompe Loeil - Iona Conservatory
Rug - [WHD] Oriental Set 3 Texture Change Rug
MAD Designs Furniture set- Gothica (all items shown minus the rug). You can snag this set  on MP: here.

MAD Designs  "The Furniture Set Gothica" includes:

- Classic Bookcase Gothica (Including Prop-Rezzer and Radio)
- Vintage Chandelier Gothica
- Fireplace Gothica
- Fireplace Tools
- Gentleman Sofa Gothica
- Gentleman Chair Gothica
- Sofatable Gothica
- Table Gothica
- Round Rug Gothica  ((((NOT SHOWN in pics))))
- Tiger Lillies Gothica (in Vase)
- Rose Column Gothica
- Sleeping Cat
- Furniture Set Gothica Example Setup (Rezzer)
- *** BONUS ITEM *** Creepy Piano Gothica
- Manual

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 13 Photo Challenge - "Close Call"

Week 13 Photo Challenge
Close Call

I have been at a loss for this theme, maybe because I've been sick (still/again/whatever). I thought about 'close call' as some sort of dangerous near-death thing, but never got around to thinking any further about it. So, I simplified ...and figured that making it "just in time" for the train, is a close call. Yeah? Yeah.

I found a great train station, at Goatswood, and the outfit fit in great with the edits. Woooo!

Dress - Zenith Chiffon Dress in 'milk', with Zenith beige short coat sweater and owl bag.
Heels - Fri in camel
Hair - Truth Anita

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

A shopping trip to MAD Designs

A friend of mine has opened an in-world shop, and I stopped by for a visit with Lily. MAD Designs, with creations from Marco offers some great Gothic themed items as well as some everyday items. I didn't get to take pics of his awesome gazebo or piano...or anything much- also, he's just added some new group gifts also, so we'll be going back soon and I will post new pics!

Here's a couple photos from our visit:

Inworld: MAD Designs at Whymsee

Marketplace: MAD Designs

Facebook: MAD Design at SL

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Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 12 Photo Challenge - Silhouette

Week 12 Photo Challenge

A silhouette in SL is fairy easy to do, with the right lighting. I've had these done for a bit and didn't post them due to being sick. 

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