The Nico...and yes..we are a couple, and have been for a long time (minus a bit of a break).
Credits: My costume is from maci, and is called "Queen of Hearts". Nico is wearing random things he found...if you want to know, leave a comment and I will harass him about it.
A week or so ago...NCI had their weekly party/dance, and the theme was "Gaudy". Since I have an almost OCD fetish with looking perfect....I tried to be as tacky as I could.
Gaudy? Ok, maybe its too 'matchy'...and ...darn it - I like it!
Tutu, Belt and Headband- Gizza - Exquisite Peacock
Corset - Drift - Pussycat
Hair - Mina - Femke BB
Necklace - Max Gossemear - Bail Gypsy
Glasses - Iruco - Blow Glasses in Sky (Gacha item)