Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weekly Challenge - Week 3 - Recreate a Famous Photo.

Week 3 of my Photo Challenge....theme this week is "Recreate a Famous Photo". per the norm, this took me a week to figure out what I wanted to do, change my mind fifty time, and then pick one of the idea I had to start with. Yay me! ... So this one is for my mom (RL). I loves her...and she loves...LOVES....the movie The Little Mermaid. 

So, there's a certain poster ....

And so....I did this...

And took a couple more pics....


There isn't much too this one..but, here goes: 

Tail and top - LunaSea Oceana
Hair - Tableau Vivant, Longfall in pastels.

The pose for the poster picture is my own creation.

post signature


  1. Wow, excellent work Alana. I'll have to let my young daughter see it--she will be impressed as well.
